Coolest Cold Weather Critterz!
There are so many interesting creatures that live in snowy and chilly areas. With the holidays all a buzz, we thought we would share some of our favorites with you!
First off, we have the majestic Narwhal. This amazing under-water mammal lives in the far north and has a single long tusk that grows from its head just like a unicorn! This whale is actually the original unicorn, as people tried to pass off their tusks as unicorn horns.
Arctic Woolly Bear Moth
This small moth lives at the edge of what is possible. As a caterpillar, it lives a stop-go life taking around seven years to build up enough resources to finally pupate into the adult moth. They live a short adult life spending most of their lives actually frozen just thawing out for a short time in the summer to lay eggs and then die. Over its lifetime, they will freeze and thaw seven times.
The wolverine is the largest member of the mustelidae - the weasel family. It is stocky, muscular and looks like a small bear though is the size of a medium dog. It has a reputation for toughness and strength beyond its size being prepared to tackle prey much larger than itself (and tbh they're a bit fed up with the whole x-men thing now). See Gulo, our porcelain wolverine, right here.
Musk Ox
Previously widespread across the arctic but wiped out in many places by over-hunting. Musk oxen live in the tundra regions of the high artic, they are grazing animals, more closely related to sheep and goats than to oxen. They survive in some of the harshest places in the arctic, they have a number of anatomical, behavioral and physiological adaptations that allow them to do this successfully.
Reindeer have a relationship with humans going back thousands of years. As a hardy large herbivore they have been herded for food and to provide the muscle for transport by circumpolar peoples of the north.Mainly an animal of the far north, most of the 15 subspecies live their lives above the northern tree line in the Arctic tundra, they are also found on many arctic islands.
Arctic Fox
This icy-coated fox can survive at temperatures as low as -58F by burrowing into the ground or snow. Their round body, short muzzle and small ears reduce body surface area and consequently exposure to extreme cold.Arctic foxes have white fur that helps them camouflage in the ice and snow. Their fur changes color to brown or gray in summer to help them blend in with their surroundings.
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