8.Thelongest livingcat ever died at the age of 38.
9.Therichestcat in the world inherited $12.5 million when its owner passed away.
10.Purring actually improves bone density andpromotes healingwithin a cat.
11.But cats don't just purr when they're content, they also purr when they're underduress, or when they're injured.
12.Many female cats are right-handed (right-pawed?) while many male cats favor theirleft paw.
13.A cat can jump aboutsix timesits own height.
14.Structurally, a cat's brain is about90% similarto a human's brain. They're intelligent, but most of the time, they can't be bothered to express their emotions.
15.Of all its senses, a cat's strongest is itshearing. They hear about four times as well as a human.
16.Cats are better atproblem solvingthan dogs.
17.And they have a better capacity forvisual learningthan dogs as well.
18.Cats can change theirmeowdepending on the situation, such as when they're demanding to be fed.
19.If they exerted themselves, cats could run faster thanUsain Bolt, the fastest living human.
20.Catscover their wastein sand or litter as a sign of subservience to humans. If they don't cover up their waste, it's like they're saying, "I'm not afraid of you, human."
21.Cats use their whiskers todetermineif they can fit in a certain space.
22.Cats can rotate theirears180 degrees.
23.They can alsomove each earindependently.
24.Catssweatthrough their paws.
25.Cats have adistinct patternon their nose, like a human fingerprint.
26.According to one study, cats prefer to bepetted on their face, especially around their mouths. They actually dislike being stroked around their tails.
27.When a catrubs its cheeksor whiskers on you, they're marking you with their scent. It's a sign of affection, and your cat is essentially claiming you as its own.
28.The largest recordedlitter of catsever birthed was 19 kittens. Most litters are just four to six kittens.
29.Black cats may be abad omenin the US, but in other countries, such as England and Japan, they're a sign of good luck.
30.The oldest breed of cat is theEgyptian Mau. "Mau" actually just means "cat" in Egypt.
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